ኣወናዝፋ ነጸላ – ወ/ሮ ዛይድ ንጉሰ : natran zewarit camera awenazifa | ERi-TV
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ኣወናዝፋ ነጸላ – ወ/ሮ ዛይድ ንጉሰ : natran zewarit camera awenazifa | ERi-TV
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ወግዒ ሕጽኖት ብሄረ ትግርኛ ኤርትራ ምስ ስነ-ጥበበኛታት መብራህቱ ተኽለሃይማኖትን ገብረመድህን እስቲፋኖስን – ናትራን – ፋኖተ ህይወት | natran finote hiwot wegie hitzinot | ERi-TV...
ስነ-ጥበበኛ እዮብ ሃብተስላሴ – መደብ ናትራን | Natran – Actor, director, and screen writer Eyob Habteselassie Unauthorized distribution of ERi-TV...
ERi-TV, Eritrea: ዕላል ጥበባት – ኣቶ መድሃኔ ተኽልኣብ ኣዳላዊ መጽሓፍ ጽሕፍቶ ኤልሳ | elal tibebat – Interview with writer Medhanie Tekleab | ERi-TV...
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ስዒድ ብርሃን – ስነ ጥበበኛ – ሞዛይክ | mosaic Seid Berhan | ERi-TV
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